Clubs & Societies

Weekly Timetable


Fun 60+ Table Tennis: 10am - 12noon
Anne 07784 079759

Tingewick Patchers: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Brenda Smith (Chairperson) 01280 860225

Line Dancing: 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Beverly Maggs 07724 121790


1st Tingewick Cubs
Elton Norris 07368 181290
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Elton is also the contact for Scouts which is held at Buckingham


Fun 60+ Table Tennis: 10am - 12 noon
Anne 07784 079759

Tingewick Historical Society:
1st Wednesday of the month: 7.45pm
Jane Bradford 01280 848392

Village Hall Committee meeting:
2nd Wednesday of the month: 7pm

Parish Council meeting:
4th Wednesday of the month: 7pm


Bingo: 1.30pm - 3pm
June Fessey 01280 848704

Fitsteps: 6.15pm - 7pm
Sharon Collison 07702 063900


Tingewick Community Cafe: 9am - 12noon


Warhammer Games: Occasional Sundays
T. Campbell

Tingewick and Water Stratford Horticultural Society
For events contact: Charles Tanner 01280 847680 or Jane Bradford 01280 848392

© Tingewick Village Hall | Photography by Nigel Doherty | Website by Space Five